The teacher's room is so organised and tidy that she would definitely mistake it for autodécor if they were on a call. Behind the glass privatised for her meeting, the busy school buzzes with students.
- Thank you for finding time for a synchronous conversation.
- Of course, it’s very important for us to understand the issue properly.
- It’s not really an issue. More like an opportunity that we missed before. Your daughter may be slowly expressing a natural talent for relearning.
This makes her more intrigued than worried, raising her eyebrows.
- Should it concern us in any way?
The teacher smiles calmly.
- Oh, no, just the opposite. She’s great at relearning things. The textbook approach may be outdated the moment the book has been printed, so given she’ll live and work in a world of lifelong learners, this could be a career-defining skill.
- Hmm.
- Workflow engineers, supply chain designers, or compute traders are all in-demand jobs in volatile environments. Let me plot a diagram for you for extra context.
A diagram appears in the middle of the office at the wave of directors' hands floating between them.
- Most people have a problem accepting new knowledge, even if presented with evidence, but your daughter naturally absorbs new things anytime the old ones are no longer the most efficient.
A diverging line appears in the middle of the graph.
- She is an excellent relearner. People usually struggle to learn the same thing differently, as the easiest strategy for making knowledge stick is making it relatable to what we already know.
- Fairy castle parties and football transfer math problems?
- Yes, this is exactly why each child has an AI tutor who translates whatever we learn into their already-established interests and knowledge. This helps combat the forgetting curve by boosting retention with relatable interests. But once we know something, it’s hard to overwrite it.
Her shoulders relax with relief.
- I see… We thought she was in trouble or not behaving well recently.
- We ran this twice to be sure, but Astra’s tutor confirmed she’s not angry and has no problems adapting to a new class or struggling with international homework. In some lessons, your daughter is just bored. Astra’s performance soars whenever new material is introduced.
The floating chart blinks, loading another dataset.
- The chart shows how, time and time again, once she meets the learning goal, her performance plateaus, and frustration sets in. This may be a good time to consider an extra challenge, like something extracurricular.
- I see.
- The school will share the options and recommendations with you. I wanted to share this in person because this may require some extra effort initially, but it can pay off greatly once she starts exploring her thing.
She leans in, pointing at her recording headset, a little mesmerised by the fluid lines of glowing data.
- Thanks for virtualising this for us.
- I’m here to help.
She gets up, and they shake hands.
- Thanks for doing this in person.
- My pleasure. Have a nice day.
When she goes back to the corridor, the school envelops her with sounds. Her daughter grins, half confused, half curious.
- Am I in trouble?
She ruffles her daughter’s hair gently.
- Only if we miss the bus.
Hello Practical Futurists,
Welcome back from the future, where learning curves bend to fit each mind, and AI is the best personal teacher you’ve ever had.
Hit the "Like" button at the top or bottom of this page to help other change-makers build a future-ready mindset.
Great leaders practice experiencing the future, not just thinking about it.
Like athletes visualising their performance, they build vivid mental pictures of tomorrow to make better decisions today.
Our weekly workouts use futures thinking and product sci-fi to help you create a library of future memories - turning abstract possibilities into reference points that can inform your choices.
To spark your imagination, here's a thought to start with:
Let's make this future personal.
We'll start by connecting this story to your life, transforming abstract possibilities into memories you can use to navigate tomorrow's challenges.
Personal life reflection prompts
1. When was the last time you had to completely relearn something you thought you already knew? How did it feel to override existing knowledge with new approaches?
2. Imagine receiving a "learning profile" that maps your unique relearning abilities. - What strengths would you hope to discover about yourself? - Which past learning experiences would you want the profile to explain? - How would understanding your learning style change your approach to new challenges? - What would you do differently if you discovered you learn best in ways you have never considered?
3. What are your 3 most effective strategies for learning new information when you can't relate it to anything you already know?
4. Think about a skill you wish you had. - How would your daily routine change if an AI tutor could help you master it through your existing interests and passions? - What would success look like after 30 days? After a year?
5. How do you balance maintaining expertise in what you know versus staying open to new approaches?
6. Imagine having a holographic display showing your real-time learning progress in any skill. - Where would you place it, and what metrics would you want to see? - How would you balance monitoring progress with staying focused on learning?
7. What role does frustration play in your learning process? Is it a signal to persist or pivot?
8. How do you maintain curiosity after achieving basic competency in a new skill, technology or tool?
Good job!
Your future memory library now has some valuable personal references. Let's fire up your thinking to add some professional leadership moments.
How will you help others navigate this future? It's time to create those memories.
Professional life reflection prompts:
1. In what 2 ways could your organisation benefit from employees who excel at relearning rather than just learning?
2. Picture your organization in a world where relearning is valued above traditional expertise. - How would meetings look like? How would decisions be made? - How would you measure and reward successful unlearning of outdated approaches?
3. Which metrics could help identify team members who might benefit from additional challenges or responsibilities?
4. Imagine leading a team equipped with personalised AI learning assistants. - How would you restructure work processes to leverage this capability? - How would you maintain team cohesion when everyone learns differently? - What new challenges might emerge from highly individualised learning paths?
5. How do you balance maintaining established expertise while encouraging openness to new approaches in your team?
6. Think of a workplace where performance reviews include "relearning velocity" as a key metric. - What behaviours would be celebrated? What would promotion criteria look like? - How would you measure someone's ability to adapt versus their current performance? - How would you support team members who excel at depth over speed?
7. How might your organisation's onboarding process change if optimised for employees who excel at relearning?
You did amazing! Excellent work!
Today's memories are added to your growing library of future experiences.
Thank you for expanding your imagination with us. Leaders with bold ideas move our world forward.
Think bright, and see you soon.
Pawel Halicki
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